Thursday, May 17, 2012

Let's Look Outside the Box Shall We?

I think many of us look for great change, especially now-a-days with the economy the way it is and this sense of uncertainty that sort of looms in the air around us during these trying days. But no great change comes without risk and the ability to look outside of ourselves, and, what we've been accustom to for what seems like the majority of our lives. I'll use myself as an example to clarify what I mean.

I know I feel like I'm going through this quarter life crisis and it was a series of unfortunate events that has lead me to this very moment, however, I know I wouldn't be on this path of self discovery and creation if I hadn't suffered the way that I did. I made a conscious decision to look outside of  the box and view myself, as well as the world, differently then I had been viewing it before. Although I always strive to gain better perspectives on life itself, I feel as though my angles were a bit tainted. Perhaps it had to do with my up bringing or the way I've learned to shield myself from certain realities in efforts to protect myself from various vulnerabilities. But nothing great ever comes from playing it safe, I don't necessarily mean that in the literal sense.

Any type of monumental growth comes from evolution and change. Not that we should strive for this change because of a mate, friend or family member; we have to want this change for ourselves - and not just want it but put it into action. It takes tremendous strength and serious self awareness, but with our friend Father Time, I feel all things are possible.

If you find yourself in limbo or unhappy due to whatever circumstances you are facing, remember you always have the option to turn things around. So stop making excuses for yourself, stop playing it safe all the time, and stop telling yourself that you just cant; because that isn't good enough. You can, everyone can, and you will, you just have to take the first step - I promise it will get easier after that.


  1. I love this post! Ive become a believer that we can never really be stuck in a situation, we are only afraid to leave somewhere/someone/something that had at one point been a comfort zone. Letting go of fear and facing a challenge can be hard but also empowering. In hindsight, which may be days, months or years, changing our outlook to find happiness will rarely bring regrets. Not only that, with every hardship we go through the more we learn about ourselves, who we are, what we want & what we're capable of.

    1. Thank you so much for this comment. I couldn't agree with you more! It is comforting to know that other have had experience in attempts to move outside of that 'comfort' zone in efforts to grow in life and all the concepts inside of it. It can be scary but how empowering it is to stare a fear right in the face and know that it won't hold you back :)
