I like it in this
place. This place where I'm at now. Small local coffee shop - well - there are
various locations around this Colorado town, but this one in particular makes
me feel secluded in many ways, where others expose me, at least that’s how it feels.
People here come and go, they don't linger very long as they do in your
Starbucks corporations or over crowded city coffee houses [although I do admire
those]. No, this one is out in suburbia and although that is not my ideal place
to dwell, it does have its perks. The kids out here seem more innocent and
educated. Perhaps that's just an illusion. They seem different though, and I
like that. More diversity is needed but I'm sure that will come with time; we
are in the mountains after all. I adore coffee houses, tea shops, and nearly
anything that resembles it. You come to sit in a place with electricity and
internet power, purchase goods to sustain your energy and concentration, and in
return can sit for hours on end utilizing their resources to fuel your
creativity. In this moment I couldn't ask for a better setting.
To get down to the
meat and potatoes here, I'm lost. At least I feel like I'm lost. In limbo.
Unsure of where I'm headed or if I'm even headed anywhere at all. Most days I
feel stagnant, yet I'm so tired from running. Most days I have no motivation. I
don't know why. I'm frustrated with myself over it. I want change - to be
change, to make change, to inspire it. Yet, I cannot conjure up enough gumption
to make change happen for me in my own life, let alone inspire others toward a
movement. Perhaps that’s the problem, I'm doing things out of order. I need to
take a few steps back and really focus on myself and my own direction, my own
personal growth. I'm inpatient. I always have been. I need to learn. Life
lesson, I'm sure of it. Regardless, I can't even say I'm at a crossroads. Well,
perhaps I am. A crossroads of expectations, self-doubt, and responsibility.
put it bluntly, I need money. Not because I want to be rich or famous, not
because I'm greedy or selfish. But because I need to survive. I need to fund my
existence on this earth. You can't do much of anything without money, at least
that’s what they tell us. It's frustrating. I wish the world ran on love. I'm
sure even that phenomenon would have its complications, but roles would
seemingly be inverse. Hearts that are cold and brash become poor and sick,
hearts that are full and genuine would get richer by the minute; to the point
that they wouldn't know what to do with all their wealth but to keep giving it
away to the less fortunate. What has the world come to? I know the top 1% want
to stay right where they are, watching while the rest of us suffer and burn.
How could anyone be that way? Sure, I don't understand it because I've never
been there and I'm certainly glad and grateful that I haven't for that very
reason. To be born into a sheltered, shallow, selfish, and materialistic
existence. It's hell on earth. Truly. To fund humanity on the existence of love
would be a spectacular fete. Those who've been wounded and burned but are pure in
spirit would learn to rise and recycle their experiences through the process,
learning, gaining time and wisdom. And with each step they take toward love,
toward growth - they'd then grow in wealth and prosperity. Contrary, the
inverse would result in poverty and disappear, and there, they would remain
until they learned differently. What a world that would be. How different it
would look and feel.
I truly just want to
take time. I want money to take time to learn about myself, about others, about
perspectives and life as we've come to know it. I want to learn as much as I
can so I can examine it, challenge it where it needs challenging and then teach
of what I've come to know. I want more than to just be a singer, a dancer, an
actress, an entertainer. I want more than to just be a non-traditional business
woman, an entrepreneur. I want more than to cook, to own a restaurant, a night
club, a coffee shop. To create more than a TV series, to do more than produce
music and movies, and gain recognition and fortune from it. I'd like to get
quiet. I'd like to learn things. I'd like a mentor. I'd like to reflect and
write for a while. Travel the world and experience it from a different
perspective and have it add to my own in the process. I just want to live. Is
all of that just not what we call living? I don't want to wait until I'm 65
before I'm able to do it according to societal norm, this country, this moment
in time among our history. I've always challenged the status quo - I've gotten
myself into a heap of trouble because of it too. At least in regards to money.
It's all about money. This man made tangible thing that has turned us all
upside down. It's told us what we're worth, literally and metaphorically
speaking. It's caused pain and struggle, greed and selfishness, battle and
murder. We can't see past ourselves anymore. I want to see past myself. The
only way to do it is to suffer? To fall behind? To lose any material
possessions I may have obtained in my life up to this point? They'll tell me
I’m in debt, that I'll lose my car, that I have bad credit so I can't buy a
house, that I'm next to nothing and only worth the $3.47 that rests in my bank
account. But that isn't true. I am worth so much more. I am a human being. I am
living and breathing and I have goals and aspirations and drive and stamina. I
have a passion, many passions; specifically for people and for what life means
and how to get closer to enlightenment. I have faith, and hope and I’m building
a belief system that will soon be impenetrable. Don’t tell me I have to work
three dead end jobs to make ends meet. Don't tell me that I'll travel when I
can manage to save the money, don't tell me I have to work anything close to a
corporate job in order to make enough to survive and lead a "happy"
life in the eyes of the masses. Don't tell me! Do not measure the worth of my
existence off the back of how much I earn in a fiscal year. Do not measure my
worth based on how many professions I've had, how much schooling I did, how
many places I've been or traveled. Do not measure my worth in numbers or words
and place invalid judgments on me or anyone else when you know nothing about
me or other people at large. Do not tell me I don't deserve to live well, eat
well, and be well because "I cannot afford to live in luxury". We all
deserve to live, eat, and be well and if that is
luxury we are more twisted than we think we are. I am not the result of my
illnesses. I am in control of my present and my future. I am worthy of much
more than they can wrap their heads around. I am wealthy, I am healthy, I am
prosperous, I am successful, I am the movement. I believe. I am a believer, a
doer, a mover, a shaker, a challenger to all those who would like to place me
and others like me in a square box. I am not just my physical appearance, my
curly hair, my curves or just the sum of my characteristics. I am my soul and
spirit and intuition. I am, just as you are, the stuff of legend.
I want to be my own
person - I may not know exactly what that means right now, but I want to stay
on the path to finding out. I want to create a movement. To teach people what I
know and what I've come to find on my path. I am unconventional and there are
many things that I could do right now to get me from point A to point B, but I
truly desire to go on the path I’ve started going down now. Not feeling the
pressures of a 9-5 job. Not falling in line with society. Sleeping in, resting
well. Reading, writing, spending my days hiking surrounded by nature, traveling
and learning. I want to understand more. I want to be someone who makes a
difference. Who not only sees differently and acts differently but who lives
just as differently, every day. No limitations, no constraints. No one to sit
from across a desk and measure my worth or compare me to others in front or
behind me. I'm telling you I would not place myself somewhere or in front of
someone if I did not think I could do it. It - the job. Most of my stress comes
from what other people think or perceive me as; knowing that, at any given
moment, I have about an hour to prove myself and show someone all the parts of
who I am and exactly why I am capable of doing anything I set my mind to. I do
not want to live in the shadow of someone else perception. Why should I? Why
should any of us? I'm no less worthy because I'd like to work less than 40
hours a week and enjoy how life is truly meant to be lived. As oppose to my
counterpart who would work 80 hours if you needed them to in the name of
fortune, in the name of proving oneself to someone else who sits in a desk at a
much higher level in an office building. In the name of gaining a lifestyle
that they could never fully come to enjoy because of all the expectations made
by those very same people - sitting there dictating your worth and how your
life will and should play out if you "expect to get anywhere and make
something of yourself". Stop. The only different between them and me [us]
is that they chose to look through the perspective the masses set us up to look
through. My worth, stamina and drive is the same. Sure, the thought process
might be different, but wasn't every successful persons thought process
different at some point? Wasn't there, at every turn of a revelation, a
different thought process?
I am a leader, a
person that is inspired by many and who wants to inspire all. I am distinctive
and I want to teach distinctively. I want to be a motivational speaker, a
public trail blazer, someone for others to look up to, to encourage to think in
contrast. To highlight the importance of self-growth, awareness, and
reflection. Live outside of the box, not just off the grid, not just in the
name of rebellion. But with true purpose, that purpose being a shift in our
awareness - knowing exactly who we are and what we are capable of, not just
digesting a regurgitated truth. Only seeing what they want us to see; only
gaining the perspective they want us to gain; only being as educated as they'd
like us to be. I am here to lead a resistance and teach a concept [or many
concepts] that is beyond what they've allowed our imagination to believe.
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