Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I've Decided

I’ve decided that my goal in life is to make people feel happy, the way I strive to make "her" feel happy every day [she knows who she is]. Recently, it’s been a struggle just to keep a smile on my own face, but I’m determined to change my entire life around. My thoughts, my emotions, my energy sequence when something negative happens - I'm in need of a spiritual overhaul. A wise woman once shared a quote that I believe everyone should live by: “Life is 10% of what happens and 90% how we react to it” – I think that’s ingenious and a concept that can be applied well. I know it takes lots of effort to support a happy life style and a happy disposition, but it takes no less effort to get up every morning and go to the job that we must go to in order to survive or to take care of the responsibilities that we have to take care of on a daily basis. Why not apply those same efforts into our personal life as well? It has to start somewhere, let it start with you.
I know it’s typical for people to jump into a place of frustration, sadness, and disappointment when things don’t go our way. But why take that route when it makes you feel less of as a person? Feeling is the manifestation of our thoughts. When we feel badly or negatively, more negatives come to fruition. When we feel GOOD, goodness and positivity rein, around and throughout our life. Think about that for a moment. You have the power to change your situation minute to minute, day to day. You are in control. It may be difficult to cultivate this positivity [trust me I know], but it’s just a matter of you making a decision. It’s really that simple. Decide from this moment you’ll take in all the good, let it generate throughout your entire body and soul; and wait for the Universe to bring about what you think about most. Be happy and grateful above all things, and watch the miracles take place in reality, in your life.